₹10 Crore+

Daily Winnings in Real Cash Ludo Game

Play Ludo game online and earn real money. Win up to ₹10 Crore daily!

About Us

Ludo Safe Powered by Meirajan Tech (OPC) Private Limited, Our Mission to Offer a Well Established Platform to Our Users for Enjoying the Game with Earning Real Money Prizes. We always keep our Players's security on priority including providing 24*7 support.

Why is Ludo Safe most popular?

What makes Ludosafe so interesting? Why has it become so popular with Ludo lovers? Here are some reasons for the ever-growing popularity of our fantasy Ludo platform..

1.Budget-friendly Challenges

It comprises global Challenges with starting at minimum amount.

2.Live Challenges

Play alongside live Ludo matches by creating new Challenges.

3.Refer & Earn

You can earn Rs.100 by inviting others to play using your unique invite code.
4.Instant Withdrawals

Enjoy instant cash withdrawals after one-time account verification.

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